"Saskatchewan Ham Radio Swap and Shop!" - Updated March 10//2025
My email address is:  sk_swapshop@va5bug.net
When E-mailing ad requests, please include name, call sign (if applicable), and preferred contact information.
If this information is not included in the message, the ad will not be posted.

  1. In the interests of clarity and brevity, listings may be edited by the webmaster.
  2. The list is updated as changes are received, however, delays of 1 or 2 days may occur.
  3. Accuracy of item described is the responsibility of the seller.
  4. Ads will be posted for 2 months, and can be extended by contacting me before the posted expiry date 
  5. Prices are CDN funds, and do not include shipping, unless otherwise indicated.
  6. Items posted as including shipping are shipped within Canada only, unless otherwise indicated,

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