"Saskatchewan Ham Radio Swap and Shop!" - Updated March 10//2025
My email address is: sk_swapshop@va5bug.net
When E-mailing ad requests, please include name, call sign (if applicable), and preferred contact information.
If this information is not included in the message, the ad will not be posted.
- In the interests of clarity and brevity, listings may be edited by the webmaster.
- The list is updated as changes are received, however, delays of 1 or 2 days may occur.
- Accuracy of item described is the responsibility of the seller.
- Ads will be posted for 2 months, and can be extended by contacting me before the posted expiry date
- Prices are CDN funds, and do not include shipping, unless otherwise indicated.
- Items posted as including shipping are shipped within Canada only, unless otherwise indicated,
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